Monday, October 8, 2012

Paper Flower Globe For Wedding Reception and Ribbon Board

This morning I heard a "squeak" "squeak" at the window, the white faced kitten wanted breakfast.  This was a little after 6 AM.  This isn't our cat and someone put a collar on her, so why am I feeding her 3+ meals a day?  Actually there is now a ginger cat that comes around to eat.  He is as dark orange as I have ever seen in a cat.  So white face kitten shares the food.  The orange cat knows that my cat is the head cat so they get along.  It is just crazy around here!  So after feeding the neighborhood cats I started on this blog. The neighbors were making so much noise and the cats where acting out because they were unhappy about the sounds.  I thought that someone was tuning a engine.  I went into the bedroom and looked out window, the neighbors had people tearing out the trees in their back yard.  These were 30 foot and higher trees .  The trees kept half the back yard in shade constantly.  Now light streams into the yard and bedroom.  All those dead trees, it was very sad.  But all the sun means we can plant a garden in the back area.

I guess all the activity rubbed off onto me today.  The cat was trying to hide and a large insulation wall board was in her way.  Lee got the board so I could make bobbinlace pillows out of it.  So I cut the board and made it into a ribbon board.  With all the ribbon flowers I've been making it made sense to have a work board.  The board is needed for a work surface while making flowers.  Some times the petals are so small and this will be somewhere to pin them.  Also the board is supposed to be pretty and show off the ribbon workers talents.  So I covered it with some off-white satin and then covered that with a piece of pink lace that mimics bobbin lace spiders.  To decorate it I used some $1 yard lace that is beautiful!  Here is what it looked like finished!

Close-up of corner.
Now I need to make some accessories for it like a pincushion.  The donut would look silly on such a beautiful board.  A pincushion will take some thought, the next pincushion I was going to make wouldn't look right.  A doll pincushion would be in keeping with the romance of the ribbon board.  My little wood elf is too small for all the pins needed.  The board cost about $12 to make and the only thing I had to buy was the insulation.  I've been trying to use up some stash rather than buying more stuff.  Sometimes I don't want to use something because it is to pretty to use.  But if I just hoard stuff it will never be enjoyed!
So after making the board I looked at the paper flower globe.  I already had a hot glue gun on and the cat was outside again, so why not.  I made up a lot of red and white paper flowers and glued them to the Styrofoam globe.  This is what it looks like, I used a mason jar as a base and put blue gingham fabric inside.  It would be cute for a 4th of July party or just hanging the globe from the ceiling at a wedding reception would be beautiful.  The paper flowers were easy to make but it does take time to put the project together.  It cost about $10 to make but I have lots of leftover materials to make more.
Mason jar with paper flower globe.
Getting the paper flower project finished feels great!  Now to get some other stuff done.   

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